Welcome to the BWIC 2011 website!
The "Bordeaux Workshop on Identifying Codes" is organized by the ANR research project IDEA, which is joint between the Institut Fourier (Grenoble, France) and the LaBRI (Bordeaux, France).
The Workshop will be held at the LaBRI in Bordeaux from November 21st to 25th 2011.
Contact: send an email to a member of the Organizing Committee.
- Identifying codes
- Locating-dominating sets
- Metric dimension
- Identifying/Locating colourings
- Codes and Domination
- Related topics
Confirmed invited speakers:
- Michael Henning (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
- Olivier Hudry (Télécom ParisTech, France)
- Sandi Klavžar (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- Tero Laihonen (University of Turku, Finland)
- Antoine Lobstein (CNRS - Télécom ParisTech, France)
- Julien Moncel (Université Toulouse 1 Capitole – IUT de Rodez, France)
- Douglas Rall (Furman University, USA)
- Peter Slater (University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA)
Organizing committee:
- Brigitte Cudeville
- Olivier Delmas
- Paul Dorbec
- Florent Foucaud
- Sylvain Gravier
- Ralf Klasing
- Nicole Lun
- Mickaël Montassier
- Reza Naserasr
- Aline Parreau
- Arnaud Pêcher
- André Raspaud
- Gabriel Renault
- Éric Sopena
- Petru Valicov